

Non-Sequiturs: 02.10.16

* Nope, Black History month still isn’t racist. Here’s an explanation one more time for those that need it. [Popehat] * Hey! Now there is science to back up what we all knew: Voter ID laws suppress the vote. [Talking Points Memo] * Not everyone gets access to the same justice: non-prosecution agreements are reserved […]


Non-Sequiturs: 05.28.15

* Nebraska banned the death penalty. Does this signal a new conservative opposition to the practice? Well, is there a way this can make private prison lobbyists more money? Because then, yes. [FiveThirtyEight] * The best way to sway a Supreme Court justice? Represent clients that the justices have financial stakes in. [Fix the Court] * Pharmaceutical companies are peeved that lawyers are using Facebook to identify class action plaintiffs. Why aren't people content to suffer grievous injury for the sake of profits anymore? [Bloomberg Business] * Now you can know for sure if your job will be replaced by a robot. Good news, lawyers! Unfortunately, I don't think this thing's taking into account document reviewers. [Postgrad Problems] * Jawbone is accusing Fitbit of poaching workers to steal its technology. Ten points to the tipster for the line: "Think this will all work out?" [Slate] * Two Biglaw partners from rival firms have joined forces on a new challenge Native American adoption rules. It helps that they're married to each other. [National Law Journal] * An interesting perspective: "innovation" is more than technology, and it starts with debt relief. [Rawr] * A former state senate candidate charged with witness tampering. At least he's got experience with the system -- his dad's political career ended in a hail of guilty pleas too. [Nashoba Publishing] * Brace yourselves for a shocker, but Biglaw is failing women. [The American Lawyer] * David Gans on the upcoming "one person, one vote" claim. The proposition at issue, that representation is based on "voters" not "persons," is so laughably unconstitutional the Court is clearly just trolling us at this point. I mean, putting aside the horrible racism, isn't the 3/5ths compromise pretty compelling evidence that the Founders meant to count people who didn't vote? [Constitutional Accountability Center]